My Story
8 years ago while working in Hong Kong, I experienced my first panic attack, brought on by stress and burn out. I decided then that the fast-paced, high-pressured corporate life in China wasn’t for me anymore and I relocated to South Africa with my company. I believed a change of environment will fix everything but the panic attacks came back even stronger. This intense period, where I literally couldn’t breathe properly, became the catalyst for my spiritual journey, as I began to study breathwork techniques and meditations. This marked a changing point in my life, and I took the first step down a more spiritual path to explore energy modalities and consciousness.
In parallel with my corporate career in Cape Town, I was now learning new skills and gaining more experience of tapping into my own intuition and energy to make life decisions. Using intuition as a guide became a way of life, both personally and professionally. I used it to guide me on anything and everything - from making sure I was eating the right food, building the adequate workout program or choosing where to travel next, right through to making strategic business decisions. I was calmer, I was stronger and I was no longer suffering from paralysing anxiety attacks.

Then 2020 came and I, like many others, lost my job as a result of the pandemic. But I was OK - I had been feeling for a while that a different life path was calling me. I knew that the corporate world was no longer the right fit for me - I instead felt called to share the magic of intuition-led living with others.
As an analytical, logical person (after all, I’d built a successful career based on these very skills), I needed to find a way to measure and demonstrate what I was experiencing. To take something that by now had become so instinctive to me, and to create a mappable scale around it so that I - and later others - could measure the power of a single decision or choice. To turn the spiritually led energy work into a practical, tangible tool that anyone could use and benefit from.
During the pandemic, now free from work, I built the Guided Path to Your Soul Grid (GPS Grid) along with maps to be used to discover your energy level in various areas of your life. I have also developed a 12 weeks program to learn the full potential of the Galus Method and GPS Grid and their benefits in your life.

Now, 2 years later, I split my time between my two homes in Europe and South Africa. I coach people all over the world to use the GPS Grid and love seeing their connection with themselves flourish as a result.
When I am not coaching or leading women’s circles, you will find me hiking in the mountains, reading, dancing at sunset on the beach, or travelling the world.